Sunday 29 December 2013

First as tragedy, then as farce by Slavoj Žižek

I have to confess that Zizek is in the moment the guy I most like to read and to listen to. This book, First as tragedy, then as farce is the first actual book I read from him a few months ago, however I think I've heard and watched more than 20 hours of his public lectures or speeches that one can find on youtube. Zizek is an Marxist philosopher that is in loved with psychoanalysis. He loves Lacan and specially Hegel, which was the greatest philosopher ever according to him. What I most like about Zizek is the fact that he is a left wing thinker that treats things not only from a social or philosophical viewpoint but mainly through a psychological view trying to understand the hidden truth behind sociological and political speeches. I simply like the guy very much. This specific book talks about lots of things, as Zizek always does, but it focus mainly on the madness of capitalist economic laws, analyzing a lot of what happened after the beginning of the current economic crisis that started in 2008. It is definitely worth reading if you like politics and economics. Although if you are a right winger you will probably not enjoy it.

Inaugural post

The idea of this blog is basically to have a space in which I can write a bit about the books I read and found interesting. I like to read and quite often I read not very conventional books that I would like to talk about. More than this I also would like to keep practicing my English since after living 4 years in London now I am back to Brazil where I do not have the opportunity of using this language on a daily basis. Well, I think that's all for now.